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App Information
Cardiogram: Heart IQ is a comprehensive heart rate monitor and symptom tracker designed to help users detect and manage health conditions like POTS and atrial fibrillation. With minute-by-minute heart rate data collected by your smartwatch, Cardiogram offers a health report card score and risk scores for hypertension, sleep apnea, and diabetes, enabling you to monitor your progress in managing these conditions. You can view interactive, color-coded charts displaying detailed heart rate information, step counts, symptoms, medications, and blood pressure measurements. By analyzing the connection between your symptoms and heart rate data, you can share valuable insights with your healthcare provider. Additionally, the app allows you to set heart rate alerts and share your data with a family member for added support.
Application Features
Comprehensive Monitoring
Track minute-by-minute heart rate data and symptom information to detect and manage health conditions effectively.
Health Report Card
Receive weekly health report card scores and risk scores for hypertension, sleep apnea, and diabetes for better management.
Interactive Charts
View color-coded charts with detailed heart rate data, step counts, symptoms, medications, and blood pressure measurements for a comprehensive overview.
Connection Analysis
Analyze the correlation between symptoms, how you feel, and heart rate data to gain valuable insights to share with your healthcare provider.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does Cardiogram help manage health conditions?
Cardiogram allows users to track heart rate data, receive health report card scores, and analyze symptoms for effective condition management.
Can I share my heart rate data with a family member?
Yes, you can connect a family member to the app to share your heart rate data and receive additional support.
What alerts can be set in Cardiogram?
Users can set heart rate alerts for high and low readings to stay informed about their heart rate levels.
Download now
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