App Information
Scan My Tesla is a powerful app that provides real-time readings from Tesla Model S, 3, X, and now Model Y diagnostics ports. By connecting to your Tesla's diagnostics port, the app offers live statistics on battery power, drive unit data, 12V system info, trip recording, and more for insightful analysis.
Application Features
Comprehensive Data
Access detailed information on battery power, voltage, current, temperatures, and drive unit metrics for a comprehensive overview of your Tesla's performance.
Battery Insights
View battery lifetime statistics, capacity estimates, mileage data, and battery cell information to understand the health and efficiency of your Tesla's battery.
Trip Recording
Record and analyze trip data, including regenerated energy, charged energy, and trip statistics to monitor your driving patterns and energy consumption.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I start using the app with my Tesla?
To use Scan My Tesla, you need an adapter cable and a specific OBD2 adapter. Visit their info pages for the list of compatible adapters.
What Tesla models are supported by the app?
Scan My Tesla supports Model S, Model 3, Model X, and the latest addition, Model Y. Select Model 3 in the app for Model Y compatibility.
Who contributed to decoding the data in the app?
The app's data decoding features were contributed by experts like Jason Hughes, Jack Rickard, and 'DB 2,' ensuring accurate and detailed information for Tesla owners.