App Information
Discover the ultimate streaming experience with the app that brings you live TV shows, sports, news, movies, and more, all without the need for cable. Enjoy a variety of popular content at a budget-friendly price with customizable channel packages and convenient DVR storage included.
Application Features
Access a wide range of live sports events including college basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, soccer, golf, NASCAR, and more. Watch your favorite games on top sports channels like ESPN, TNT, and TBS.
Stay informed with breaking news from channels such as CNN and Bloomberg, as well as free channels like ABC News Live. Keep up to date with the latest developments around the world.
Stream today's most popular TV shows and movies both live and on-demand. Enjoy channels like Freeform, AMC, TBS, and TNT to catch up on your favorite entertainment.
Enhance your daily entertainment experience with a diverse selection of content, including lifestyle programming that caters to your interests and preferences.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there a long-term contract required to use this app?
No, there are no long-term contracts involved. You can pause or customize your service at any time without commitment.
What sports can I watch on this app?
You can stream a variety of sports events including college basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, soccer, golf, NASCAR, and more on top sports channels like ESPN, TNT, and TBS.
Can I access live news coverage through this app?
Yes, you can stay updated with the latest news through channels like CNN, Bloomberg, and ABC News Live for breaking news coverage.