Books & Reference
App Information
Discover the best Wikipedia experience on your mobile device with the official Wikipedia app. Enjoy ad-free browsing and access to over 40 million articles in 300+ languages, all at no cost.
Application Features
Free and Open
Wikipedia is the encyclopedia anyone can edit, offering free access to reliable and neutral information with open-source coding.
Ad-Free Experience
Enjoy an ad-free environment on the Wikipedia app, created by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation to provide a learning-focused platform.
Multilingual Support
Access 40 million articles in over 300 languages, making Wikipedia the world's largest source of information available in various languages.
User Privacy
Rest assured knowing that Wikipedia is committed to user privacy by providing an ad-free and data-tracking-free service.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I contribute to Wikipedia?
You can contribute to Wikipedia by editing articles, adding sources, or creating new entries.
Is Wikipedia reliable?
Wikipedia prides itself on a community-driven approach to provide reliable and neutral information to its users.
Can I access Wikipedia offline?
While the app requires an internet connection for real-time updates, you can save articles for offline reading.
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