App Information
Welcome to the American Express Mobile App, your gateway to managing your Membership benefits on the go. With a touch, you can track your spending, view your Points balance, and enjoy a variety of features available within the app.
Application Features
Quick Access
Easily log in with Fingerprint authentication and retrieve your User ID or reset your Password with convenience.
Card and Account Management
Effortlessly manage multiple Cards, lock your Card temporarily if misplaced, set spending limits for Additional Card Members, replace a damaged or lost Card, and more.
Rewards Tracking
Stay updated on your Points balance and track your rewards effortlessly within the app.
Service and Security
Check balances, access statements, receive real-time purchase alerts, initiate live chats with Customer Care Professionals, and mainly ensure the security of your transactions and data.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I manage multiple Cards within the app?
You can easily manage all your Cards in the app's Card and Account section, allowing you to control each card individually.
Is it possible to track spending habits of Additional Card Members?
Yes, you can keep track of spending habits of Additional Card Members and put limits on their accounts to manage expenses effectively.
Can I receive real-time purchase alerts?
Absolutely, you can set up real-time purchase alerts in the app's settings to stay informed about all your transactions instantly.