App Information
Yonda is the ultimate super app designed to help New Zealanders achieve a brighter financial future. With a focus on improving your financial well-being, Yonda offers a range of tools and expert coaching to simplify the complex world of credit and money management.
Application Features
Set your financial goals
Use yo-coach to define your financial objectives and receive customized advice on how to reach them, whether it's saving for your first home, improving your credit score, or simply saving money.
Grow your credit score
Access your credit score through a partnership with Equifax, the leading credit bureau, and receive personalized monthly updates on how to enhance it. A good credit score can help you save money on interest rates and pave the way to homeownership.
Protect yourself with ID Security
Subscribe to ID Security to safeguard yourself against cyber attacks and identity theft, ensuring your financial information stays secure.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can Yonda help me achieve my financial goals?
Yonda offers personalized coaching and tailored tips through yo-coach to help you set and achieve your financial goals effectively.
Will using Yonda affect my credit score?
No, using Yonda will not impact your credit score, as it provides access to your credit score through Equifax without any negative consequences.
Is ID Security a necessary feature of Yonda?
Subscribing to ID Security is optional, but it adds an extra layer of protection against cyber threats and identity fraud, ensuring your financial data remains safe.