App Information
Experience the ultimate dining companion with OpenTable. Discover top restaurants, make reservations, and manage your dining plans effortlessly.
Application Features
Discover great restaurants
Choose from 60,000+ restaurants worldwide, filter by cuisine, pricepoint, and more, and read verified diner reviews.
Find a time that works for you
Search for specific dates, times, and locations, view full availability, and receive alerts for last-minute openings.
Manage your plans in one place
View and change reservations easily from the app, and directly message with restaurants for any inquiries.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How many restaurants can I choose from?
OpenTable offers over 60,000 restaurants worldwide for you to explore.
Can I receive alerts for last-minute openings?
Yes, you can use the Notify Me feature to receive notifications for available reservations.
Is it possible to directly message restaurants?
Absolutely, you can communicate with restaurants through the app for any reservation-related queries.